
We want to earn your repair business, and you need a company that can meet your expectations. So, let’s discuss what makes our repair facilities stand out against the competition.

→ First, it’s our personal touch. Our team will treat your equipment as if it were their own. Providing rapid turnaround times, and most importantly being immediately available for your questions & providing updates.

→ Second, our lead times beat the industry standard. With two locations we offer a typical turnaround of 3-4 weeks, meaning that your equipment will be back in your hands and available for your use within a month’s time.

→ Third, we offer a one-year warranty on most repairs and nonrepairables are always free of charge.


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A little background:

In 2016 we decided to get into the repair business because we saw the challenges within this industry.  Unfortunately, we had our fair share of firsthand experiences and the solution to breaking the cycle was to be in control of it.  So, we found a company that had been in the industry since 1994, bought it and kept as many of those valuable technicians as we could.  Several of these key players are with us to this day. 

Who’s our target customer base?

We understand the value of targeting customers within the Tier 2 & 3 market, keeping a focus on those involved with independent and cooperative companies.  We are able to provide the attention needed for these faster moving customers.  Our competitors are all after those larger contracts, not us, not our goal. 

What do we repair?

From Calix and Adtran, to every kind of power equipment across the board, all the way to test sets.  Your challenge is our challenge.  We are happy to tackle what others will not.

🚨 Not all repair companies are created equal!! 🚨

Did you know that a majority of facilities complete ONT repairs based on strict time limits? For example, you send in ten units for repair at a lower cost per unit.  Each of those units is given a thirty-minute repair time.  If it can’t be repaired within that time limit, then it is deemed nonrepairable.  Leaving you at the mercy of the tech’s capabilities and zero tolerance for error on their behalf.  Out of those ten units say five are repaired at the lower cost quoted.  Now, you’re needing to replace five new units. That lower repair cost did not save you anything, it actually did the opposite.

Our technicians operate on a different scale. Using this same example, our experienced and educated team will take your ten units and thoroughly work each, without time constraints. Say nine of your units are repaired and now you only must invest in one new unit.  We just saved you thousands.

Give us the opportunity to show you the difference.